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So Spaced Out Man........

So during the last new moon, Mike and I ventured up to Southfork Mountain near Whiskeytown Lake. I had acquired two new crystal balls and had a vision in my head of capturing the Milky Way in one. Mike, when I told him I had two crystal balls now, thought I was a raving lunatic. I’m pretty sure he still does. Anyhow, he is ALWAYS game to try my hair brained ideas. I just love this man!

So here we are. On top of Southfork. It is very, very dark. It’s the perfect night skies to capture the Milky Way. I am completely stoked!

Mike had made me this really cool stand to put on one of my tripods so that I could set my crystal ball on it. He is so clever. It took some experimenting to get the focus correct but once we figured it out, game on! Below are the fruits of our effort.

Can You Hear Me Major Tom? - photo by Michele James Photography, a California photographer

Mike also had some luck with his Milky Way shots. I think he really got into it. I’m so glad to see it when that happens. I would hate to think he just trudges along with me out of obligation!

Milky Way Over Whiskeytown - photo by Mike Steineke, Bad Ass

After he got a few of those he decided that he wanted to try some lightpainting. Below is his rendering of the communication dishes on Southfork.

So Spaced Out - Photo by Mike Steineke, Bad Ass

All in all, it was a great evening! We ended up getting home about 1 in the morning. Thank god we could sleep in the next morning!


Take HWY 299W towards Whiskeytown Visitor’s Center. Right across the highway from the visitors center is Southfork Road. The road is gated so you will need to call the visitor’s center and get the combination for the gate. They keep a log of all those that go through the gate. Just follow that road forever and it will take you to the top of the mountain. At the top, along with the towers, are the remains of the old lookout.

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