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Did I get your attention with that title? They say a title is what makes a blog!

Along Highway 299W is a ghost town. The original name of the town was Bagdad. the name was later changed to Helena after the postmaster's wife. I first visited this town about 10 years ago. I was enchanted by the history and old buildings. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the way that I do. I never have, nor will I ever, understand why people don't respect history and refrain from tagging and destroying the past. It broke my heart to visit Helena a few weeks ago and see all the vandalism that has happened to it just in the last year. It took some creative composition to capture photographs without a ton of graffiti in them. I remember when I first visited the town that the post office was in relatively good shape. The little boxes were still on the walls. They have completely disappeared now.

Once again, I loved how the Lensbaby reads these scenes!

I love how the road leads your eye in the photograph below.

The old hotel in Helena - Photograph by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

The first time I visited this old barn I could actually walk inside the barn. Now you have to bushwack through the berry bushes to get to it.

The old barn in Helena - Photograph by Michele James Photography, a California photographer

One of the residences. When I first visited this house it still had it's wood burning stove in it. The whole house has been pilfered now.

The old residence in Helena - Photograph by Michele James Photography

I am thinking the ladder in the photograph below was an old fire escape. This is the old hotel.

The old hotel in Helena - Photograph by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

The old residence.

The old residence in Helena - Photograph by Michele James Photography

The old disc behind the residence. You can see the barn in the distance.

Old farm equipment in Helena - Photograph by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

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