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Right Smack Dab In The Middle Of Nowhere, Nevada

It's funny how when you mention to people that you are going to the desert that they get these visions of nothing but sand, extreme temperatures, coyotes, vultures and rattlesnakes I am sure that all of those things do exist to a certain degree but I still love the desert. I love the diversity that the desert brings.

Perfect example is our trip over memorial day weekend. We ventured out into the Nevada desert. Now I am sure that our destination was near some town. Which town, I have no idea. With that being said, I have dubbed it Nowhere, Nevada.

Our trip started Friday with rain and cold. Saturday morning was still dreary looking. I was okay with this. If you wander the desert during a drizzle you might find some interesting things! I loved the rain drops on this spider web. In the background you can see the spider's tunnel. Inviting right?

"Come In My Pretty" - photograph by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

So Mike and I weren't alone. This trip included about 50 people. This is an annual "meeting of the minds". I call the photograph below "Randy's Bathtub" because apparently, a gentleman named Randy took a dip in it. This is hearsay because you know....What happens in the desert, stays in the desert.

"Randy's Bathtub" - Photograph by Michele James Photography, a California photographer

From there Mike took me to a place called The Mausoleum. Now this place was interesting. It is about a 100' tunnel dug into the side of a mountain. Inside this tunnel are little niches where you can build a shrine for someone. The walls are like talc so it is easy to carve on them and add shrines. It was a very interested place. I saw dates clear back to the 1970's. There may have been earlier ones but they start to erode after a while.

The Mausoleum - Photograph by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

So onward we go! Now out in the desert, there is no shortage of railroad tracks. I love railroad tracks. I may have taken a few too many photographs of railroad tracks. I have all sorts of ideas for these railroad tracks next year (insert Mike's eye roll here).

Nevada train tracks - Photograph by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

So you are out in the middle of "the desert" right? Who would of thought you would run across a hot spring. Well, it seems that Nevada is one of the states with the most hot springs. Now I was told the official name of this hot spring but for the life of me can't remember it now. It was pretty cool. I have photographic plans for this hot spring next year as well.

"Soaking" - Photograph by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

Now all day the skies looked angry. I thought that we would have an amazing sunset. It really never evolved. We did get those crazy, angry looking clouds with the God Rays shooting out the bottom of them.

Angry skies over the Nevada Desert - Photograph by Michele James Photography, a California photographer

Overall the trip was a lot of fun! I have all sorts of ideas for photographs next year when we go! Mike just rolls his eyes when I say that. He knows the routine.

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