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Ghost Explorers

So as most of you know, Mike and I love to explore. We, well let me rephrase that, I have no problem sleeping in the back of the pickup while exploring. Let's look at the pros of this. You save tons of money on hotels, you can explore to your heart's content and just sleep wherever and you can photograph the sunrise at that location. It's a win, win, in my opinion! Well, Mike doesn't have the same views as I. He sleeps on the ground enough with his job so when he goes on vacation he likes a bed. For years he has humored me but as he has gotten older he has become less tolerant!

Another thing Mike doesn't like on vacations is any type of a schedule. He doesn't want to be tied down. On our last trip I honored this wish of Mike's and didn't make any room reservations. Anywhere. What a mistake that was.

Have you been to Telluride, Colorado? Have you been there during fall colors? Well, they don't have any Comfort Inns or McDonalds anywhere. In fact, you have to pay every thirty minutes for parking on the street to go eat at one of their fancy restaurants. No problem. We figured we could walk from the hotel. Well, in Telluride, you can't find a hotel room that will take a dog that is under $500 a night. I love our fluffy, lovable mutt but not $500 a night love. No problem in Michele's book right? Just go find a hideehole somewhere and sleep in the back of the pickup. In Mike's book that wasn't going to work out. It was starting to snow. So I got online and started checking things out and found a room about two hours away in Durango. It wasn't the best option but it was our only one at the time. Someone at the gas station had recommended that we stop at this little bar and grill in Rico on the way down to Durango. He said they had great burgers and beer. Did I hear beer?

This place turned out to be the best! The people in this town turned out to be really laid back. It also turns out that they had rooms available above the bar. But wait, they still have to clean them from the prior weekend WHEN THE GHOST HUNTERS WERE THERE. Yes, apparently their little hotel was haunted. I'm game. Sign me up. We made reservations for the next night since we didn't want to lose the money on the Durango reservation. We ate our burgers and headed to Durango for the night. It actually worked out well because we were going to take a ride on the "Million Dollar Highway" and it starts in Durango. That's another blog tho!

So we do our trip the next day and head to Rico to our luxury accommodations. The owner took us upstairs to show us around. So here's the deal. Rico is a historic mining town. What comes along with mining towns? Bars and brothels. Turns out the upstairs of this bar was a brothel back in the day. Six rooms, all interconnecting, with one bathroom and a communal kitchen. This place was cool! Hardwood floors, those tin tiles on the ceiling and the ceilings were about ten feet tall! We had the whole place to ourselves. These pictures don't do it justice!

They let us have the dog upstairs with us as well as in the bar. In fact, at one time I counted four dogs in the bar. It was crazy! Niki was in heaven.

Enterprise Bar - photo by Michele James Photography, a California photographer

Mike was in heaven because now he could play pool and drink beer and not worry about driving. Just stumble up the stairs to our haunted room.

I think one of the coolest things about this place was the outdoor lounge area. They had converted this old panel wagon into a bar. I couldn't resist photographing it!

Rico - photo by Michele James Photography, a California phototographer

We awoke the next morning and compared notes. It was one of the quietest nights we had ever had! The ghosts were quiet that night! We both would go back to this place. It was amazingly fun!

RANDOM TRIVIA: So we were sitting in line at a construction area on the Million Dollar Highway and the flagger was telling us about the hot springs in Rico. We thought maybe it was a resort or something like that. Welllllllll.........lets just say I might have watched too many scary movies. I wasn't about to come down here at night and get into water that I can't see to the bottom in!

The changing room at Rico Hot Springs - photo by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

Rico Hot Springs - Photo by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer


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