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It Was, Indeed, A Cheering Sight

The morning started with a gorgeous sunrise and coffee with Baileys. We packed up and headed out. We continued on Soldier Meadows Road. We ran into BLM herding wild horses. We watched that for a bit and then continued to Soldier Meadows. At Soldier Meadows there is a BLM cabin, water and a bathroom. Now in Nevada, BLM has

first come/first serve cabins in some areas. I have to say that I am impressed. If California had these there would be graffiti all over the place and people would disrespect them. These cabins have some canned goods, propane and a shower to name a few things. There was a work party at this particular cabin. The Friends of the Black Rock Desert were there doing some improvements to the area. This particular cabin has a hot spring nearby that has been improved.

We continued to the start of the High Rock Canyon off road trail.

This run follows 14 miles of the historic Applegate Trail. Along the trail you will find markers. They are kind of cool to read. This one is at the start of the trail at Fly Canyon.

The marker at the beginning of the High Rock Trail

“Had some verry stony rodes. One hill we locked both wheels & put on ropes to let our wagons down. All got down safe. Saw some handsum sights along the rocks holes maid by the wind” Abram Minges, August 17, 1849

Mike and I looked for the rocks with holes but that was part of the research left at home. Just an excuse for another trip! The trail is very rocky. I can’t imagine going across this area in a wagon. There were a couple of wet crossings. One in particular had water over the tires.

We continued along to our next stop, Post Office Cave, located in the section of trail that people call “The Narrows”. This part of the drive is by far the prettiest. Tall walls on both sides of you with beautifully colored rocks. This section of trail reminded us of the narrows in Titus Canyon in Death Valley. You can read that blog here.

Post Office Cave was where pioneers would leave messages in axle grease to family and friends that would be traveling after them. Unfortunately, people and the elements have made them almost non-existent now. We did find a hand chiseled name about 100 yards from the cave on the canyon wall.

Short fly thru of the Narrows.

It never ceases to amaze me the things that you find in remote areas. It’s crazy to think that someone would try to bring their car out in this country yet they did. A cell phone and map sat on the seat. It was very apparent that the car has been there some time based on the spider webs!

Random car we found out on the trail.

After checking out the area and having lunch we headed to our next stop, High Rock Garage. This building is located on the Fox Homestead very near the Applegate Trail. According to my research it used to house Mr. Fox’s Essex automobile. Due to an error in the survey the settlers had to leave.

High Rock Garage - Fox Homestead

Our second night's destination was a short distance from the High Rock Garage so we headed out. We wanted to make it to Stevens Camp, another BLM cabin. The road between the garage and Stevens Cabin was some of the rockiest on the trail. It took a couple of hours to traverse it.

“We came to a beautiful meadow of the fine grass and well watered. It was, indeed, a cheering sight….We could once more, see daylight. Which was pleasant after being shut up so long in dark defiles” – B.R. Biddle, Aug 18, 1849.

At this point we are just 1 mile from Stevens Camp. The meadows from this point to the cabin were amazing. I can see why they appreciated them so much after having been on the this portion of the trail!

The cabin must be a god send to those that have been out hunting or have met with inclement weather. The protocol at the cabin is to put the American flag out if you are occupying it so that others know. There is still a couple of campsites around the area and some corrals. There is a 1.4 mile trail (one way) that goes further up the canyon along the Applegate Trail. I am betting that the fall colors up the trail are amazing.

The finish to day two ended with whiskey and coke and a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit! After checking out the stars we headed to bed.


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