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Let’s Be Politically Correct

This last weekend promised us one day of sunshine. We decided to take advantage of it and headed to McCloud, California to hike the Squaw Creek Trail. We met our friend Trevor and his dog Jax for some adventure and fun! I have always loved this trail for its diversity. It’s a magical place with cascades, waterfalls and wildflowers. In fact, this hike used to be the first backpacking trip of the year. Short, flat hike with great campsites that allowed you to stretch your legs and check your gear before heading out on the longer treks.

To get to the trailhead you to take Squaw Valley Road. We are cruising along, enjoying the scenery. I happened to look at the vehicle navigation and about crapped myself. It said I was driving on Politically Correct Road. Are you kidding me? Has it really come down to this? I have made it a habit to not get caught up in any sort of political conversation. You believe what you want to believe and I will believe what I want to. But I had to admit. This was insane. I’m still going to call it Squaw Valley Road.

Politically Correct Valley Creek????- by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

Not far into the trail, there is a bridge that takes you south on the Pacific Crest Trail. We don't go that way. We continue along the creek.

The bridge that takes you south on the Pacific Crest Trail - by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

This hike is great for kids and people that might be, well let’s just say, it’s a good conditioning hike! It’s pretty level and the scenery makes you forget your worries!

Squaw Creek Trail in McCloud - by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

The dogs even loved it! This was the first time that Niki and Jax met. They got along great! Jax is a totally chill dog!

Thing 1 and Thing 2! - photo by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

In years past, the lack of rainfall have made it a lackluster hike early in the season. This year, there were seasonal waterfalls running across the trail in several places.

Waterfall that goes across the trail - by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

The creek was quite high. So high in fact that you could only see the first waterfall from the high vantage point. Usually you can get to the base of the waterfall and get some great shots. Not this year! The photo below was from a few years ago.

The waterfall along the Squaw Creek Trail - by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

We meandered through the campsite checking things out. We ran across some cool looking mushrooms that look like brains. Guess what? That’s what they are actually called. Brain Mushrooms.

Brain Mushroom, - by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

Unfortunately, the flowers hadn’t bloomed yet and the trees were just starting to leaf out. The ferns were beginning to unfurl. This trail is loaded with Dogwoods so a return trip in a few weeks in a must.

New Ferns - by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer

When we realized that it was almost 1 pm we headed back. We had a spring to our step at the thought of stopping at the Dunsmuir Brewery so we were clipping along stopping every once in a while to catch a shot. All of the sudden a root jumped up and tripped me. Down I went. This is actually a common occurrence with me. We all laugh about it, drag me up and continue on. That night as Mike and I were watching TV that commercial comes on for that Life Alert necklace. You know the one. The one where the elderly person is lying on the ground, pushing their button saying “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”. What does Mike say? He wonders if those things work in the forest.

Thanks Mike. I know you have my best interest at heart!

It was an awesome day! Everyone was pretty tired! Kids and dog were out like a light not more than five minutes into the ride home.

Tuckered Out! - by Michele James Photography, a California Photographer


From the main intersection of Highway 89 and Squaw Valley Road in McCloud, drive south for 6 miles. Turn right onto a dirt road signed for Squaw Valley Creek. Proceed for 3 miles on this well-graded road to the large, signed parking area for the Squaw Valley Creek Trailhead.


Mike, Trevor and I highly recommend the Dunsmuir Brewery, 701 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA. It’s a bit pricey but well worth it. If you know me, you know that I love trying new beers! I had the ribs. They were amazing!


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