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What a Daunting View

It's crazy to think that, at Death Valley, you can go from 200' below sea level to over 5500' at Dantes View but that's what we did!

The view from Dante’s Peak rivals that of Zabriskie Point. It was amazing! There was far less people than at Zabriskie Point. Of course, it could be the 13 miles that you need to drive in to get to the viewpoint. You can either look at it from the observation point or you can venture to the the top of Dante’s Peak. I ventured about ¾’s of the way up to a great spot to view the entire valley and the sunset. Mike ventured all the way up to the peak and grabbed a cell shot of the USGS marker.

The USGS marker at the top of Dantes Peak (photo by Mike Steineke).

The plan was to stay up there all night and grab some star trail photos but the wind was howling and it was brutally cold! Plus there was a weirdo up there. I realized that my night photography was very rusty! I did manage to get a sunset photograph.

Sunset at Dantes View. The Badwater Basin is amazing at 5500'!

Click here to read more about Dantes View.

We headed down and camped out in the Hole in the Wall Campground. That is a pretty cool campground. About six campsites spread about a mile apart each. It was dark going in so we didn't see the surrounding area. We pulled in, set the tent up and I set my camera up for some star trails.

The next morning we got up and started exploring the surrounding area. The canyon walls have all these hole and caves made by the rain and wind, hence the name Hole in the Wall Campground. There was also an abundance of the most adorable cacti!

We even found some fossils in one of the bigger rocks.

We hung out a bit, packed up and then headed out to the next adventure!


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